The function of CBT is as set out in the Cashew Act No.18 of 2009 as outlined below:-
- To advise the government on policies and strategies for the development of the Cashew industry
- To promote the development of Cashewnut production, processing and marketing.
- To assist directly or through financial support the research and development of Cashew Industry.
- To regulate and control the quality of Cashewnuts.
- To collect, refine and maintain, use, disseminate information or data concerning the Cashewnuts Industry.
- To ensure proper management of Cashewnuts Development Fund established under the CBT Act no.18 of 2009.
- To promote and facilitate the formation of associations (or other bodies) related to or dealing with Cashewnut Industry and coordinate their activities
- To make and enforce Cashewnut Regulations.
- To provide consultancy and technical services to cashew farmers, processors, buyers, or exporters.
- To represent the Government in International Forum
- To carry out other tasks that are associated with improvements in cashew industry as need arises in the course of time, such as:
- To register or license Cashewnut Growers, Buyers, Sellers, Processors and Exporters.
- To grant licenses and permits for buying and exporting of Cashewnuts.
- To appoint inspectors for inspection of Cashewnut farms; processing facilities, warehouses and any other facility that may be inspected for the better carrying out of the provisions of the Cashewnuts Industry Act. 2003.